Summer: Out, Winter: In Imagine slowly strolling through a Museum on a hot july day, when you instead could be out taking a swim with your friends or relax in a park with a ice cream by your side. Unless you are dedicated museum goer you probably prefer latter, and especially
Nordisk Film | App proposal
adminvisti2018-03-07T15:54:14+00:00Nordisk Film App proposal How do we engage and attract young millennials to the Danish cinemas, and can we utilize the data for future branding strategies? The everyday life of millennials, is greatly influenced by digital solutions on their smartphones, -watches, -TV's etc. It is a struggle for companies to engage the younger
Aalborg Falcons
adminvisti2018-07-15T11:17:21+00:00Aalborg Falcons - Visual ID Aalborg Falcons needs a new logo in traditional baskeball style: Bold and cartoon-ish. The logo illustrates the claws of the falcon and for some use cases it can be combined with eyes, riped off cloths etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor